1: Explore 5 lucrative jobs with salaries exceeding $200,000.

2: Discover the high-paying field of anesthesiology with a $267,020 median salary.

3: Learn about the rewarding profession of ophthalmology, offering a median salary of $208,000.

4: Consider a career in psychiatry with a median salary of $220,380.

5: Find out about the well-compensated job of orthodontics, with a median salary of $225,760.

6: Explore the field of corporate law, where salaries can exceed $200,000.

7: Learn about the high-paying job of petroleum engineering, with a median salary of $137,720.

8: Discover the rewarding field of orthopedic surgery, offering a median salary of $409,665.

9: Consider a career in computer and information systems management, with salaries surpassing $200,000.