1: - Pale or jaundiced skin - Feeling constantly fatigued - Depression or mood swings - Weak or achy bones - Frequent illness

2: - Hair loss or slow hair growth - Muscle weakness or pain - Slow healing wounds - Difficulty concentrating - Increased risk of fractures

3: - Chronic pain or backaches - Poor dental health - Breathing difficulties - Unexplained weight gain - Digestive issues

4: - Higher blood pressure levels - Increased risk of heart disease - Autoimmune disorders - Diabetes or insulin resistance - Osteoporosis

5: - Fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome - Risk of developing certain cancers - Cognitive decline or dementia - Thyroid imbalances - Hormonal imbalances

6: - Skin conditions like psoriasis - Reduced immune function - Seasonal affective disorder - Restless leg syndrome - Brain fog

7: - Reduced libido - Changes in menstrual cycle - Allergies or asthma - Eye conditions like macular degeneration - Increased risk of infections

8: - Muscle cramps or spasms - Swollen or inflamed joints - Poor balance or coordination - Insomnia or poor sleep quality - Anxiety or panic attacks

9: - Tingling or numbness in extremities - Vision problems - Sudden weight loss - Infertility or reproductive issues - Impaired gut health